Cougar Champion of the Month

This award program is intended to show immediate appreciation and recognition of individuals for exceptional contributions and customer service inside or outside of their departments. Any individual may submit an Employee Nomination Form to recognize a full-time or part-time/adjunct* (see guidelines) college employee for their special effort or service.

Contact Jennifer Melton for guidelines and more information at (919) 718-7252 or

See Eligibility Guidelines & Past Winners

Staff Member of the Year

This award recognizes excellent performance and commitment to the community college mission by non-teaching staff. Open to any permanent full-time staff members, excluding temporary or part-time employees, instructors, and past award recipients.

Contact Jessica Gonzalez for guidelines and more information at (919) 718-7089 or

April Raines
Education Navigator 

Stormy Mascetelli

Stormy Mascitelli
Dean of Institutional Research & Title III NAVIGATE

Sara Newcomb

Dr. Sara Newcomb
Executive Director of Secondary Partnerships

Adam Wade

Adam Wade
Director of Admissions

Amanda Carter

Amanda Carter
Director of Distance Education

Scott Byington

Scott Byington
Associate Vice President, Onboarding and Advising

Angela Crisp-Sears

Angela Crisp-Sears
Student Learning Coordinator

Tamara Joyner

Tamara Joyner
Director of Financial Services/Controller

2016 Staff of the Year Lennie Stephenson

Lennie Stephenson
Director of Continuing Education Medical Programs

Faculty Member of the Year

This award provides recognition of faculty members who exemplify the highest quality and standards of instruction and service to the mission and goals of the college. Open to any permanent full-time faculty members, excluding past award recipients.
Contact Jessica Gonzalez for guidelines and more information at (919) 718-7089 or

Lisa Smelser
Biotechnology Department Chair/ BBB Grant Manager

2023 Faculty of the Year Vicky Wesner

Vicky Wesner
Dental Hygiene and Assisting Department Chair

2022 Faculty of the Year Melissa Fogarty

Melissa Fogarty
Medical Assisting Program Director and Chatham Health Sciences Center Site Director

2021 Faculty of the Year David Myers

David Myers
Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Lead Instructor

2020 Faculty of the Year Thadd McElreath

Thadd McElreath
Health and Fitness Science Instructor

2019 Faculty of the Year Gary Beasley (left)

Gary Beasley
Laser & Photonics Lead Instructor

2018 Faculty of the Year Ginger Bartholomew (right)

Ginger Harris Bartholomew
Education Department Chair

2017 Faculty of the Year Bianka Stumpf

Bianka Stumpf
Social Sciences Lead Instructor

2016 Faculty Member of the Year Julia Herbon

Julia Herbon
ESL Lead Instructor

Adjunct of the Year

This award is given to recognize part-time faculty who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers with a track record of increasing student learning and promoting instructional improvements for their programs/departments. Open to any adjunct faculty member who has taught at 澳门黄金城赌城 within the past academic year. Nominees for this award must be eligible for continued appointment for the following academic year.
Contact Jessica Gonzalez for guidelines and more information at (919) 718-7089 or

Sheila Holt
Electronics Engineering Technology Adjunct Instructor

Dr. William "Tyler" Brady
Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor

2022 Adjunct of the Year George Blanchard

George Blanchard
Medical Sonography instructor

2021 Adjunct of the Year Brian Estes

Brian Estes
Basic Law Enforcement Training Program Instructor

2020 Adjunct of the Year Jamie Owensby

Jamie Owensby
Math and Science Instructor

2019 Adjunct of the Year Michelle Patterson (left)

Michelle Patterson
Veterinary Medical Technology Instructor

2018 Adjunct of the Year Henry Steve Womack

Henry Steve Womack
Health and Fitness Science Instructor

2017 Adjunct of the Year Kelly Cash

2017-2018: Kelly Cash
Biology Instructor

2016 Adjunct of the Year Shelby Parrott

Shelby Parrott
Dental Programs Instructor

Advisor of the Year

This award is given to recognize one member of the 澳门黄金城赌城 faculty or staff who has demonstrated a passion for advising, successfully built relationships with students, and has played a key role in the success of students outside the classroom. Any full-time 澳门黄金城赌城 employee who regularly helps students with academic planning, connecting students to college resources or otherwise provides guidance and support outside the classroom is eligible.
Contact Jessica Gonzalez for guidelines and more information at (919) 718-7089 or

Heather McKenzie
Career Coach, Lee County High School, Ascend Leadership

2023 Advisor of the Year Amy Gustavson

Amy Gustavson
Assistant Director of Student Onboarding and Success (Chatham)

2022 Advisor of the Year James Thomas

James Thomas
Director of YouthBuild

2021 Advisor of the Year Lisa Smelser

Dr. Lisa Smelser
Biotechnology Lead Instructor

2020 Advisor of the Year Carl Bryan

Dr. Carl Bryan
Health and Fitness Science Department Chair

2019 Advisor of the Year Lora Witcher

Dr. Lora Witcher
Biology Instructor

2018 Advisor of the Year Co-winner Emma Belcher

Emma Belcher (co-winner)
Biology Instructor

2018 Advisor of the Year Co-winner Ty Stumpf






Ty Stumpf (co-winner)
Humanities Chair

2017 Advisors of the Year Stephanie Whitaker and Thadd McElreath

Stephanie Whitaker (co-winner)
Student Onboarding and Outreach Coordinator
Thadd McElreath (co-winner)
Physical Education/Health and Fitness Science Instructor

2016 Advisors of the Year Holly Schofield and Pam Riddle

Holly Schofield (co-winner)
Psychology Instructor,
Pam Riddle (co-winner)
OST Instructor

Cougar Champion of the Year

Fae Goodman
Chatham Early College Liaison/Instructor, One Academy

2023 Cougar Champion of the Year Jennifer Babb

Jennifer Babb, Assistant Director of Student Onboarding and Success (Lee County)

2020 Cougar Champion of the Year David Haire (center)

David Haire
Network Administrator